Letters patent granted to Thomas Farmer for 'Improvements in treating Pyrites to obtain Sulphur, Sulphurous Acid and other products'

Documents of Philip Hardwick regarding Euston Station

Copy letter from Isambard Kingdom Brunel to the Directors of the Great Western Railway

Three letters from Robert Stephenson to Captain Constantine Moorsom

Volume entitled: "Commander's Complete Book. H.M. Ship Queen, 116 [guns]"

Account of the construction of the Morley Tunnel, Leeds Dewsbury & Manchester Railway

Letters patent granted to Thomas Clarke and John Varley for 'An improvement on the atmospheric system of propulsion which is also applicable to other motive purposes'

Letters patent granted to Stephen Geary for 'Improvements in the preparation of fuel'

Melksham Turnpike Trust

Diary of John Watson, London & Greenwich Railway Co

Sketch books of drawings of fragments recovered from the shipwrecks of the Royal George and the Edgar

Volume entitled: "[Record of] Lead ore raised at Longstone Edge Mines, Sampled ... and sold"

Volume entitled; "Specimens of turning by Henry Perrigal Esqr. and given by him to Jas. Wilcox"

Volume entitled: "Customs of Mendipp Mines"

Volume entitled: "Longstone Edge Mines, In Derbyshire"

Manuscript notebook entitled: "On Magnetism"

Volume entitled: "Arrete du Ministre des Travaux Publics portant reglement pour l'Ecole Nationale des Mines, Paris"

Marshall's Geological Diagrams

Manuscript entitled: "Catalogue of the Apparatus of Philosophical Instruments, in the Collection of Her Late Majesty Queen Charlotte, at the Observatory at Richmond in Surrey"

Volume entitled: "Magpie Mine Resolution Book"

Drawing entitled 'Sectional Drawing for a Steel Protected Cruiser for Colonial Defence to be named'

Elevation of parts of middle group drawn in plan on No. 127.

Visitors pass

Pages 59 and 60 of Alfred Kitching's diary

Pages 61 and 62 of Alfred Kitching's diary

Pages 1 and 2 of Alfred Kitching's diary

Front cover of Alfred Kitching's diary

Pages 13 and 14 of Alfred Kitching's diary

Pages 9 and 10 of Alfred Kitching's diary

Pages 23 and 24 of Alfred Kitching's diary

Pages 21 and 22 of Alfred Kitching's diary

Pages 19 and 20 of Alfred Kitching's diary

Pages 17 and 18 of Alfred Kitching's diary

Pages 33 and 34 of Alfred Kitching's diary

Pages 73 and 74 of Alfred Kitching's diary

Pages 139 and 140 of Alfred Kitching's diary

Pages 137 and 138 of Alfred Kitching's diary

Pages 69 and 70 of Alfred Kitching's diary

Pages 197 and 198 of Alfred Kitching's diary

Pages 35 and 36 of Alfred Kitching's diary

Pages 67 and 68 of Alfred Kitching's diary

Pages 51 and 52 of Alfred Kitching's diary

Pages 195 and 196 of Alfred Kitching's diary

Pages 49 and 50 of Alfred Kitching's diary

Pages 213 and 214 of Alfred Kitching's diary

Pages 47 and 48 of Alfred Kitching's diary

Pages 211 and 212 of Alfred Kitching's diary

Pages 45 and 46 of Alfred Kitching's diary